Peter: Submission, 3/8/2023

The word means to be submissive, it’s clear throughout God’s word that He has a certain order to society. The family unit is the foundation of His society. His family is perfect in that He, as the Father has a plan, and in that Jesus, as the Son always obeys His Father’s will. Imagine God’s plan where the family lines up under His word. The wife submits to the husband and the husband submits to God and the children obey their mother’s and fathers, and the mothers and father’s pray together as a family for their kids and the father does not exasperate his children (Ephesians 6:1-4). If we do not teach our children to honor us, it will not go well with them. Now, this is more than just whipping their tails, this goes to the depth of giving them something to honor. Do I honor God in my work, my house, my marriage, my finances?

Who do you think is watching us the closest? These kids we have aren’t dumb. They watch us.

He desires that the family structure be strong. His plan for family structure includes the husband as the leader and the wife willingly submits herself under the delegated authority that God has placed in the home, and the husband willingly submits his life under the hand of God!!

A godly husband is called to humble himself under the word of God by loving his wife the way that Jesus loved the church. Honestly, I have heard many times, through the years a woman say, “When he starts acting the way that Jesus tells him to act, I will start submitting.”

No, you won’t! You will submit now! That’s if you want to be a woman of God. You will submit right this very second, not to me, not to your husband, but to the will and the word of God.

Let’s take a little closer look at this passage. Verse 1 is speaking to a saved wife and gives them a command to subject themselves to their own husbands. There is no talk about qualifiers here. God does not say on the slick, “Look, I’m going to put this in here, but just between you and me, I don’t expect you to really do this if he refuses to do what he’s supposed to do.” There is no talk of this at all. It says, “Wives submit to your husband, but it does give more information. He is actually speaking to wives that are saved who are married to husbands that aren’t doing what is right. Look at the wording, “that, if any obey not the word,” so these husbands aren’t following the word of God, but God is talking to you right now woman of God. As a matter of fact these first 6 verses are all about you. God loves you and He wrote specific info here to help you. He goes on to say that certain behavior will actually win your husband over.

But you won’t read on. I know I’m not talking to any women in here, so I’m going to preach to the camera. God is trying to help you by giving you a plan for the problem that you’re having with your husband. But you won’t even read past this first verse. You see submit, and your response is “Yeah, when he starts listening, I will start listening.”

You hard hearted, stiff necked, rebellious, little piece of marred clay. Will you contend with the most high! Will you a piece of clay tell the potter what to do as He fashions the vessel for honor?

God wants believing wives to know that even though your husband is not currently willing to be ruled by the word, if you will be ruled by His word, He will, through your [pure] lifestyle of faith and reverence and fear towards God and His word, heal you, heal your husband. He will work in your home and in your family.

Now, moving forward, a little more instruction for the wife. If you’re trying to please your husband and entice him towards God by adorning yourself with outward beauty according to the ways of the world. You’re wasting your time. Even if the husband says that he wants you to don whatever the latest fad of the day is currently.

If your desire is to get your husband saved. If your desire is to get your husband to a spiritually mature, man of God, on fire for God, praying for his marriage, his children, his home, winning souls for Jesus, living for God, if that’s what you want, then hallelujah, let’s all get to work, but if that’s not what you’re looking for, then you might be in the wrong place. If you’re looking for crown molding, a Gucci and bouji girls to chill with, you definitely came to the wrong place. I am praying that God will raise up men on fire for Him! I am praying for those kind of men, because those are the kind of men that God is looking for.  If your desire is listen to God and His word and adorn yourself with inner beauty. Take your heart out of your chest and put it in the hands of your loving Father. Let God have His way in your heart and in your life.

Meek/ quiet— humility/ peace— this is of great value in the eyes of God. According to God’s word, Holy women, women that were separated from the world around them and were servants of God, subjected themselves to their husbands and adorned themselves with a meek and quiet spirit.

Husbands are to honor the wife— there is a special value that is affixed by God on the wife. I know that for myself when I have done wrong in my marriage and then gone to the Lord and He deals with my heart. He refers to Danielle as His daughter, and there have been times that those words have really sobered me. The husband is to acknowledge the wife as the weaker vessel but to also realize that the husband and wife are heirs together, and if she’s treated that way and the husband is treated that way, then the prayers won’t be hindered, so if he doesn’t and she doesn’t— doesn’t what? Doesn’t obey the word of God!, so if that happens, does that mean that there prayers are hindered??